Wednesday, April 29, 2009


They say that eyes are the windows to the soul. But are they? True, they may shed some light on what deep, inner thoughts lie within the individual, but at the same time, such hidden emotions may remain as such, hidden. Beneath a bright, jovial, positive could lie a sea of self-doubt and sadness. Eyes may be the windows to the soul. But just as curtains and blinds distort what others see, do not judge a person by his outer self.

Random ramblings.....thought-provoking, but random. And here is the photo that sparked this train of thought off.


Sunday, April 5, 2009


I have been watching the American Idol finals with some sort of a renewed vigour this season. Some of the contestants that I liked didn't make it from the Top 36 into the Top 13. I shall share some of my thought about the contestants this year as I feel that this is the strongest group that I have seen. Never really got into feeling Jasmine, Alexis, Anoop and Jorge. Couldn't connect with them. Especially Anoop. Really hate his performaces. Can't understand why the judges like him. But well, its their opinion. Adam Lambert...Great vocals but crappy stage presence. His swagger is really irritating at times. But his "Black Or White" was somewhat amazing if you close your eyes and focus solely on the vocals. Michael was an average singer at best, but was really let down by some song choices. Allison is really great. She manages to put a rock twist on all her songs. Really calm and composed for a 16 year old. She is just 16 but woah....Excellent vocals. Scott is really getting to me. Some people (Liju...and Liju...and Liju) don't like his voice or his performance. But he is really sincere about what he does and I can feel that he is trying to connect with the audience. Matt is great. Period. Danny is good. But couldn't connect with him till this week. Much like Lil' and Kris. Only recently have I opened up to them. I really liked Megan. She had this unique quality to her voice that I found endearing and really nice. Pity she is out though. Bad song choices in the last couple of weeks. Eagerly awaiting the finals. Should be a tough call to make given the strength of the talent pool this year. Will be fun to watch.