Tuesday, October 20, 2009


It’s not very often that I reveal emotions on a public domain such as this. But I think this occasion certainly warrants such a post.

I have just returned to Singapore after an overseas stint.

Spending this amount of time away has led me to make many gains. I have learnt tons; much more than I would learn anywhere else during these two years. Learnt about the world, about human relations, about leadership and above all else, learnt more about myself.

But that is just a side story. This post is for the seven other dudes that helped me along the way. Of course, many others have shared my pain along this journey, especially friends in Singapore. But no one else has endured what we have. So here goes…

QX, don’t be so depressed yea? It will all be over soon. Remember what Ervin told us when we first got there? I have queued for my meal and have started to eat. Yours is coming soon. Hang in there.

Poon, thanks a billion for your help man. It really helped to have someone that I knew (albeit briefly) to go through shit. Been nice to know you better which I never had the chance to do so after I got out of kayaking. Cheers!

Chiam, my fellow Ninja buddy. I think we never give you enough credit for the work that you do and the help that you contribute. To top it off, we tease you and shit. But no hard feelings ya? ORD Lo!

Colin, hang in there. As I told QX, you turn is coming soon. Just suck it up and do it. You’re almost there. Still on for dinner on your ORD day?

YC, we have never had a terrific relationship. But life is like that. You will never go through it without conflict. Regardless, thanks for your help too! No hard feelings too

ZR, didn’t spend as much time with you as I did with the others due to your late arrival here. But I’m very happy that you came up here. See you for 鸡扒面 very soon.

Lastly, Ernest. You have always done the most shit work out of all of us. It has been nice working with you in the office when we had to push out multimedia stuff. Keep up with the exercise and you’ll tone up very well. You really looked very sad when you sent us off at the airport. Almost there yea! Hang in there!

Got through this unscathed, we have. Embark on the next journey of our lives, we will. I wish you all the best. It has been my pleasure to serve with you.

After all, the culture is strong…

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