Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Today I saw Kyne's PM. It read,

"Friendship is like peeing on yourself; Everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling it brings"

This statement is true on so many different levels. How many times was it a friend that saved your ass? Like one coming to call you when you were late for your chemistry exam? A friend is one that won't get angry when you arrow him, whether on purpose or by accident. A friend is one that you will miss. A friend is one that you can make fun off constantly, and know that he will not get angry with you.

Keep your friends close. You never know when you will lose them. It took the departure of Alison to China to realize that your friends will not always be there for you. Taking your friends for granted is something that most of us are guilty of. I am no exception, but leaving for Brunei puts things into perspective. It makes you value them even more.

Pee on yourself today. Better still, pee on your friends. Share the warmth. Treasure your friends, for you never know when they will leave you, temporarily or for good.

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